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/ Amiga Collections: Auge 4000 / Auge 4000 #36 (1989-09-08)(Amiga User Gruppe Einzugsgebiet 4000).zip / Auge 4000 #36 (1989-09-08)(Amiga User Gruppe Einzugsgebiet 4000).adf / fonts / Berkley / 025 / Berkley-025.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1988-04-07  |  17KB
Labels: door | fence | reckoner | road | shelf | sky | stairway
OCR: abcdefghijklmnopqr stUvwxV/7 ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ 0173456789 &= 171:.. The quick browr fox jumps over the lazy doo. 18 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy 6op The quick brown fox juimps over the lazy dog. The brown FOX jivmp DV eir the Iazy dog. The qvick bro M DX jvmp W er the AZD I GO The qwiicIk Ib r D W ir Jiwim er The qvick b r D ji vm abcdef ghiikimnop qrstuvwxv JKLMNOPOR RSTUVWXYZ tlhe KZDI qviick jivmps DVeI TIhe jiVImps DYeIr